Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Running For My Life

What keeps you motivated to run? As for me, let me tell ya, I just didn't wake up one morning and decide that I was going to become a runner. The word "run" was not the action word to use around me two years ago. I was grossly overweight, stressed out, over-worked and not happy with life. My life had gotten really mundane and I was starting to loathe my routine. I got up, I got ready for work, I got my kid ready for school, we went to school, I went to work, I worked, I left work, I picked him up from school, we went home. It was a never ending cycle. I was bored and felt I had no real purpose in life. Of course, I knew that I had to be a good wife, a good mom and a good employee. Yet, I didn't really have a passion for anything outside of my regular life roles, and this was starting to drag me down. Once I received a wake up call from my OB-GYN to start trying to lose weight if I wanted to lessen my chances of having to have another caesarean section, I joined a gym. Running, however, really didn't cross my mind until a few months after that doctor's appointment. I truly have my co-workers to thank for getting me started. We made a decision the fall of 2011 to do a charity 5k as a team. I've always participated in charity walks/runs, but I left the running to those "other people". Yet, being the over-achiever that I am(my husband's description of me) I decided this time I was going to run the entire race. And so I did. As slow as I was, I still finished. I didn't know finishing that race was really the beginning...

Fast forward more than two years later, and I am still running. I found my purpose in life through running. Sure, my life is still pretty routine, including the days that I work out. Yet a run always adds a little color to my life. Even when I run the same route, no run ever feels the same. Some days I run a little faster, some days I run a little slower. Some runs I start off feeling weighed down with the worries of life, but I always feel lighter afterwards. I find that I am much more optimistic after a run because I have released negativity through sweat in the atmosphere. There was brief period at the end of 2011 when my world had the potential to fall around me. Had I not been able to run during this time, I would not have survived mentally. My closest friends were astonished by my ability to rise above everything that was going on in my life because usually I am an emotional basketcase. Running was my calm in the midst of a storm. Spiritually, I feel like running is my ministry. I have met so many wonderful people I might not have met if I never started to run. I have been able to share my journey of weight loss and triumph through running. I hope that I have helped even one person realize that you don't have to box yourself in just because you don't fit the typical body type or color of the "average" runner. I love that running and walking are activities that are universal. Masses of people have been brought together through charity and fun run/walk events. There is always such a good vibe at races; they bring the humanity out of people.

September is a special month for me. Not only is the 2nd annual Black Girls Run! Race and Conference weekend being held in this month. It will also be exactly ONE year since I met my weight loss goal, and two years since I RAN my first race! I can't believe I managed to stick with something for so long without losing interest. I have reaped so many positive benefits from this passion of mine. I am more resilient to environmental stressors, and did I also mention I have sexy calfs? lol. I am EXTREMELY excited about celebrating with my running sisters this year. There is something magical when you bring thousands of beautiful women together who share the same passion and desire to run. We communicate a lot through Facebook, but it will be wonderful to finally meet these lovely faces in person. I've enjoyed reading about various ladies' journeys. One thing I have definitely learned when it comes to the ladies of Black Girls Run! is that you can't judge a book by its cover. As shown in many before and after pictures, many of us have a remarkable story of triumph to tell. For those ladies who may be struggling with weight loss and other issues, I urge you to keep in fellowship with the ladies of this group. Just because you are not where you want to be today, does not mean you can't get there tomorrow. I have been there, and I know the struggle. It is a perpetual battle but your health is ALWAYS worth fighting for! I run...for my LIFE!

***Only a few weeks left until the Black Girls Run! Sweat With Your Sole Race and Conference Weekend in Charlotte. I hope to see you there!***

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